Thursday 7 October 2010

Design Studies - Group Meetings

For assignment 1, we were asked to meet up in group we had been assigned to, and discuss what topics we are each going to write about. Myself and Jackie went up to the graphics department to wait on the others. As we waited we discussed between the two of us, possible ideas. I was leaning towards either, Celebrity & Design, Gender & Design or Social Networking & Design. When the others appeared, we had an in-depth discussion about what was best suited for each person. Everyone already had some idea of what they wanted to research and write about. I then decided on Social Networking & Design. No-one else wanted to do that which was fine, because they said they had done something like it last year with Jonathon Baldwin. The other topics chosen in my group are:

Ethical Labour & Design

Social Sustainability & Design

Environmental Sustainability & Design

Fair Trade & Design

Education & Design

So, after the meeting, i started doing a mind map on social networking…..

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